Friends of Jones is Jones College Prep's parent-run, non-profit organization that supports Jones College Prep and its mission to remain one of the premier high schools in Chicago. We are volunteers, donors and advocates who help expand and enrich the many outstanding educational opportunities at JCP. In short, we are all Friends of Jones!
Watch this engaging video to learn more about the impact Friends of Jones has on JCP students.
Your Generosity Has Impact
Through our collective fundraising efforts, Friends of Jones provides vital funding to support initiatives and programs that are not otherwise covered by the school's annual operating budget for projects big and small. Friends of Jones partners with the administration to determine the greatest funding needs of the school and to help ensure your generosity has the greatest impact on the students of Jones College Prep.
Recent grants have made it possible for our students to have:
- Freshman Connection
- New technology, including digital media materials and dozens of Chromebooks
- Subscriptions to academic resource materials
- Transportation for athletic team travel in and around the city
- Furniture for common area students spaces
- Support for seniors who need help with graduation expenses
- Start-up funds for student clubs(e.G. Model UN) and free admission to ALAS Fest
- Costumes, props and scenery for the school play and musical
- New choral risers and costumes for JCP choirs
- Ceramic kiln for pottery classes
- College Knowledge- ACT prep, AP testing and other support for higher education
![Annual Fund <![CDATA[]]>](https://friendsofjones.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Annual-Fund.jpg)
The Annual Fund is FOJ's largest fundraiser as every family can participate and show their support. We understand some families can contribute more than others, that's why a meaningful gift from you is meaningful to us. A high level of family participation is also important to attracting corporate sponsors. Businesses invest when they see families invest.
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Monday - Friday
July 15 - July 26, 2019 (2 full weeks)
8:00am - 12:00pm
Freshman Connection is a two-week summer program that allows all incoming freshman the opportunity to get to know Jones College Prep and their incoming classmates. The cost of Freshman Connection is paid for solely by donations from parents and guardians.
![https-cdn.evbuc_.com-images-47205251-145601783592-1-original <![CDATA[]]>](https://friendsofjones.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/https-cdn.evbuc_.com-images-47205251-145601783592-1-original-e1562879822904.jpg)
Sunday, October 20, 2019
10:00 - 11:30am
Washington Park
The 5th annual Jones 5K registration is up and running! Join students, teachers, staff, alumni, parents and supporters to "get your steps in" at this fun event (sponsored by Friends of Jones.)